A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2

From Gilbert Deblois
Deblois, Gilbert RTP
Bos. March 30. 1770. Sr.,

I shall take it as a favour you'l call on me before you return home, & bring our accot. with you, as will ballance the same, it being a Leasure time now. Otherwise I shall be Engaged when the Ships arrive from En-465gland & can't then attend to look into any Accounts or Settling wth. any body.1 I am Sr. your hble. Servt.


RC ; addressed: "To Robt. Treat Payne Esqr. at Cambridge"; endorsed.


RTP's cashbook for Mar. 1770 includes an entry: "Recd. of Gilbert Deblois his ballance" of £16.18.11 and then "Gilbert Deblois acct. from March 1765" crediting £33.13.2. This ended RTP's lawyer-client relationship with Deblois, who would appear later in the year as a juryman during the Boston Massacre trials (Hiller B. Zobel, The Boston Massacre [New York, 1970], 245).

From John Sprague
Sprague, John RTP
Mondy Evng April 9 1770 Bob,

Its Needless for me to repeat what I have so often Intemated to you about Settling in Boston that diffidince or modesty of yours is unaccontable but no matter the Day of Graece is yet open to you. You must well remember what I intimated to you about appearing in behalf of your Injured Country on the late massarce every bodys business is nobodys it seems Necessary somebody of abilitees and principle should untertake. The Door is open your Willingness and freedom in it therein for your Injured Country will be well recvd by all Honest men and I dare say will be a lasting honour to you. I need say no more but I will take out Guardianship as you have often wished. Am yr. hm. ob. svt.,


Sister Eunice is better

NB it was known you was in town but its Commonly Said two of a trade Cant agree which is anough for to rouse the gratest Coward upon earth and Convine the world You Are Not a Torrey but may be Depended upon to the abashment of those which wish you may never come.

RC ; endorsed.