A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2

List of Delegates at Convention
Boston, Sept. 22, 1768
B { honble. James Otis Esq.
honble. Thomas Cushing Esq.
Mr. Saml. Adams
John Hancock Esq.
Roxbury Jos. Williams Esq.
Capt. Jos. Mayo
Dorchester Mr. Saml. Howe
Milton Jazaniah Tucker
Braintree Josh. Quincy Esq.
Ebenr. Thayer
Weymo. Majr. James Humphrey
Dr. Cotton Tufts Esq.
Hingham Josua Hearsay
Deadham Nat. Sumner Esq.
Medfield Mr. Seth Clark
Wrentham Jabez Fisher
Brookline Capt Ben. White
Stoughton Mr. Hezh. Gay
Stoughtonham Mr. Job Smith
Medway Capt. Jona. Adams
Needham Amos Fuller Esq.
Josh. Newall Esq.
Walpool Walpole Joshua Clap Esq.
Chelsea Mr. Thos. Prat
Danvers Deacon Saml. Holten
Ipswich Capt. Michl. Farley
Newbury Joseph Gerrish
Newbury Port Benja. Greenleaf Esq.
Lynn Ebr. Burrill
Andover Saml. Philips Esq.
Beverly Capt. Henry Herrick
Rowley Humphrey Hobson Esq.
Salsbury Capt. Nat. Currier
Haverhill Mr. Saml. Batchelor
Glocester Thos. Sanders Esq.
Capt. Peter Coffin
Boxford Aaron Wood Esq.
Bradford Benja. Millikin Esq.
Wenham Benja. Fairfield
Topsfield Capt. Saml. Smith
Charlstown Edward Sheaf Esq.
Watertown John Remington
Wooburn Deacon Saml. Wyman
Oliver Richardson
Concord James Barret
Newton Capt. Abrm. Fuller
Reading John Temple
Marborô Mr. Saml. Witt
Billerica Wm. Stickney Esq.
Framingham Thos. Temple
Lexinton Wm Reed Esq.
Chelmford Sampson Stoddard Esq.
Sudbury Thos. Plympton
Malden Capt. Ebenr. Harnden
Medford Capt. Jos. Mellen
Westford Jonas Prescot
Pepperell Wm. Prescot Esq.
Stow Henry Gardner Esq.
Wilmington Paul Cook
Townsend & Asby Amos Whitney
Acton Capt. Danl. Fletcher
Holliston Timo. Rockwood
Sherburne Jona. Russel
Littleton Wm. Shattuck
Colrain James Stewart junr.
Lancaster Capt. Asa Whetcomb
Leicester }
Spencer Capt. John Brown
Westborô Capt. Step. Maynard
Sutton Capt. Henry King
Shrewsbury Artemas Ward Esq.
Lunenburgh & } Edward Hartwel Esq.
Harvard Capt. Israel Taylor
Bolton John Whitcomb Esq.
Westminster Henry Alden
Northborough Jona. Livermore
Petersham Theop. Chandler
New Braintree James Wood
Grafton Ephm. Sherman
James Warren
Plymo. Thos. Mahew } Esq.
Scituate Jos. Tolman
Duxbury Capt. John Wadsworth
Middleborô Capt. Eb. Sprout
Benja. White
Rochester Saml. Sprague
Plymton Capt. John Bradford
Pembroke John Turner
Kingston Wm. Sever Esq.
Hannover Capt. Jos. Cushing
Abington Capt. Woodb. Brown
Hallifax Noah Cushing
Wareham Dr. Andrew McKay
Falmouth Capt. Jos. Robinson
Wellfleet Elisha Doan Esq.
Taunton James Williams, Esq.
R. T. Paine Esq.
Rehoboth Capt. James Clay
Mr. Syl. Martin
Swaney Jerathmel Bowers Esq.
Dartmo. Walter Spooner
Attleboro Ebenezer Lane
Dighton Elisha Andrews
Berkly Majr. Jam. French
Raynham Zeph. Leonard Esq.
Norton Majr. Thos. Morey
Dr. Geo. Wheaton
Biddeford Jereh. Hill
Arundel James Burnham
Scarborô Edwd. Millikin Esq.
Gorham Solomon Lombard, Esq.
Berwick Shadburn Esq. Benjamin Chadbourn
Kittery Amory Caleb Emery
No. Yarmouth John Lewis

MS ; endorsed in RTP's hand: "A List of the Members of the Convention holden at Boston 1768 October in Consequence of Gov Barnards dissolving the Genl Court."


The refusal of the Massachusetts House of Representatives to rescind the Circular Letter of Feb. 11, 1768, which had been sent to all colonial assemblies to inform them of the ill effects expected of the Townshend Acts of 1767, resulted in Governor Bernard's dissolving the General Court. This action together with news that British troops were on their way to Boston plus other grievances led the Boston selectmen to send a call to the province's towns to send delegates to a convention to be held at Faneuil Hall on Sept. 22, 1768. RTP noted in his diary that on Sept. 21 he and James Williams were chosen to represent Taunton at the convention and were duly present on the following day. He probably made his hasty listing of delegates present at that time. While the measures taken at the convention were moderate, Richard D. Brown points out that "The royal government had small reason for comfort when the great majority of politically active towns demonstrated their readiness to defy the governor by asserting the right to convene at will" ("The Massachusetts Convention of Towns, 1768," William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 26[1969]: 102).

Brown prints a slightly amended version of this list in his article (pp. 103–104). He notes that RTP mistakenly placed several Maine towns in the wrong counties, and from town records added further delegates from Brimfield, Brunswick, Cambridge, Cape Elizabeth, Falmouth [Cumberland County], Leicester, and Montague. However, "Even if these 7 are added to Paine's list, 2 are still missing since the final proceeding of the convention reported 96 towns and 8 districts represented, whereas this list only includes 102 towns and districts."