A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 3


From William Baylies

6 March 1777

From John Wilcocks

13 March 1777
From Richard Gridley
Gridley, Richard RTP
Sir, Boston March 13. 1777

I receiv’d your Favour of the 10th. Instt. I have not heard from the Furnace this week past, but expect to hear she is in Blast. I had some Conversation with Col. Knox & he was willing to give 105 Dollars for Each Howitzer, but if the Chamber is enlarg’d, the Fortification must be increas’d in proportion which will Occasion a new mould & the weight will be so much more. I cant at present say what they will be per Ton as Mr. Guild & Atherton are at Stoughtonham,1 but I can Assure you they 359shall be made as cheap, & as good, as can be made in America. I will advise with Mr. Guild as soon as possible upon the price per Ton and let you know it. I wish you woud let me know the number you woud have, & they shall be made with the greatest dispatch. I am Sir yr. Most Obedt. humb Servt.,

Richd. Gridley

RC ; addressed: “To The Honourable Robt. Treat Paine Esqr. at Taunton per favr. Capt. Avery”; endorsed.


Nathaniel Guild of Walpole (1712–1796) and Uriah Atherton, Jr., of Stoughtonham (1740–ca. 1783) leased the Stoughtonham Furnace from the owners, Col. Richard Gridley and Edmund Quincy, Jr. Guild was the clerk/superintendent and Atherton was the founder.