Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 3
Mr. James Byers whom the Congress have employed to Cast brass Cannon for them, informs me the Cmttee. of Congress for providing Cannon that he called upon you the other day to enquire abt. some Copper wch. Col. Knox bought of you on acct. of the Congress, & you objected to the delivery of it because it was not paid for in the time of it & you. You cannot suppose there was any design in keeping you out of the Money, the continued military Engagements of Col. Knox, I am satisfied, must have occasioned his omission of it (tho I have not heard his acct. of the matter) but you must be sensible the Copper was as really sold as any thing ever was the disappointment & damage to the public & the only reason it was not taken away was because the affairs of New York would not admitt of its being worked up there, & there was no preparation to work it up there any where else, but I never Suspected the Copper was not paid for or that there would be any difficulty about the delivery of it.
The disappointment & damage to the public in not having this Copper would be so great that I am sure you will not obstruct the public Works by a dispute of this kind.