A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 3

From Lemuel Cox
Cox, Lemuel RTP
Sr., Exeter Octr. 8. 1776

I embrace this Oppy. to inform you of my safe arrival & that agreeable to yr: desire I deliver’d yr: Letter to Mr. Phillips which he rece’d with the greatest pleasure & thanks. If any thing more comes to yr: knowledge respect:g Salt peter or powder making he would be much oblig’d for a Continuence of yr: kindness as he is determind to pursue all measures that may be any ways conducive to the salvation of American Liberties. I am Sr. with the greatest deference yr. most Humb. Servt.

Lemuel Cox

P.S. Mr. Phillips is not accquainted with this conveiance or he would have wrote you.

RC ; addressed: “To Robert Treat Paine Esqr: member of the Honourable Continental Congress in Philadelphia”; endorsed.