Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 3
I am favored with yours of the 25th ult. The Reasons I conceve why so litle hath Don in the Musquet Business are the following first the Prise of Rifles is so greatly advanced that the workmen find it their Interest to follow the makeing of Rifles Rather than Musquets. Plane Rifles which sold for £4 now sell from £510s to £6 Per Pies. The Price of Brass files &c. are greatly the Commisioner of our County gave £410s for the Musquets they had makeing when you were here and the workmen refuse to make any more at that Price or for less than £4.15.0. If you would be Pleasd to allow me to agree with the workmen as low as I can, I should then have it in my Power to get somthing Don and to Pay Each workman according to the goodness of his work for though they ought all to be Equilly good yet som workmen execute thier work beter than others. I will Produce the workmens Recepts for all the work when 302I setle with you and Charge 5 Per Ct. Commisions for my truble. Otherways I cannot get any thing Don of any value as the times are now, numbers of the gunsmiths apprentices being inlisted and out of ten shops that I had agreed with to mak Musquet Locks I have not been able to Procure