A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 3

From Joshua Howell
Howell, Joshua RTP
Respected Friend, Philada. 10th July 1776

I find by my Books that I Paid Geo. Jackson March 30th. 1763 Three hundred and fifty Pounds Currency for Thomas Cobb Junr.1 his draft dated Attleborough 7th Feby. 1763 in favour of Thomas Cobb Esqr. The like sum I also paid for Ebenezar Stetsons draft—being the money paid into my hands for a Vessell sold by Gershom Stetson, on their Accot:1 I don’t find any mention made of Chas. Ward Apthorps name in my Books and I can’t Just now lay my fingers on the Order, but Suppose I have it among some of my old papers. I am Thy frd.

Joshua Howell

RC ; addressed: “To Robt. Treate Paine”; endorsed.


Thomas Cobb, Jr., Sally Cobb Paine’s brother, worked with their father in the iron industry. He had died Jan. 24, 1768.


Gershom Stetson of Scituate, Mass. (1734–1761) had died of smallpox near Philadelphia in 1761, and his brother Ebenezer (1728–1768) had died at Antigua in the West Indies in 1768 (John Stetson Barry, A Genealogical and Biographical Sketch of the Name and Family of Stetson [Boston, 1847], 66–67).