A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2


From Samuel Fayerweather

11 May 1770

To Eunice Paine

17 May 1770
From Thomas Gray
Gray, Thomas RTP
Boston May 14. 1770 Sir,

I recd. your Favor of 5th Inst.1 and really I can't take upon me to say that Mr. Adam absolutely promised to mortgage double the Value of the Debt; 'tis true he proposed giving security, and mentioned his Ship Yard as well the Lands all which he valued at double the Sum of the note, and I tho't was willing to mortgage the whole, but however if he will did not intend it, and as it will not destroy the Force of the note, I am content to take only the Land as Security, and that I expect be properly mortgaged 'till he makes Sale of his Vessell and discharges the note. Your getting it effected will oblige Yr. hum. Servt.


RC ; addressed: "To R T Payne Esqr. Attorney at Law In Taunton"; endorsed.


Not located.