Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2
I hope you'l Excuse my not writing you before. I really have not had time lately to Eate Drinke or Sleep. Your favr.1 per Bracket I recd. & was very glad to find the Report of Mr. Brown's being Broke, without foundation. I was very partr. in my Enquiry of this matter & suppos'd to the person (a true friend of mine who just came from Providence) it might be some other Brown at or near Dighton but he persisted in it that he was told Wm. Brown of Dighton had faild & added that he understood there was no other of that name there, he knew sd: Brown, & that he was largely Indebted to me, therefore his Enquiry was the more particular. I shall try hard to find from whence this Crewell Report arrose430& let Mr. Brown know it if find it was done wth. a Design to hurt him, for want of time reffer to the Contents of the Inclos'd, wch. please to seal up & forward per Carefull hand. I have only to add my hearty thanks for yr: kind Enquiry & Trouble wth. this affair, wch. gives me pleasure to find to be in a secure situation & free from any Danger. I am wth. Esteem. Dr. Sir Y M H S
Pray forwd. Mr. Hoods Letter
Not located.