A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2


From Samuel Quincy

6 April 1764

To Benjamin Edes and John Gill

7 May 1764
From Malachy Salter
Salter, Malachy RTP
Halifax April 27. 1764 Sr.,

A Gentleman has lately apply'd to me to know& if you will sell the house & Lott now Occupy'd by Mrs. Freeman. I told him it was many years Since I had heard from you, & that (I understood) you had several other attornies to whom he might apply fizt. Mr. Burbidge, Mr. Brenton &c. And that I at present had nothing to do with it, he then ask'd it as a favor, that I would write you on the subject, that if it is for Sale he may295know the lowest price, & if agreable to him, he will on receiving a proper Deed, remit the consideration sum to you by a Bill in Mr. Wheelwright, at presnt Business is very dull, & the Town looks gloomy hours have falen more than 1/3d. in their Value since you was here, and I am very sure 1/4th. part of the houses in Town are not Tenanted, the person who has apply'd to purchase says he only wants the Land to answer a perticular purpose, he looks on the house of very little value, & would if he bought it, pull it down. Indeed if it is not som repair'd it will fall down, he says he will give no more than £40, however if you will let me know your mind about it I will do the best I can, & perhaps may obtain a trifle more than £40. I am Sr. your most Obedt. Servt.


RC ; addressed: "To Mr. Robt. Treat Paine attorney at Law Boston"; endorsed.