A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2


From Joseph Palmer

31 May 1763

To Eunice Paine

13 June 1763
From Ephraim Keith, Jr.
Keith, Ephraim Jr. RTP
In Secessu longo.1 June 2d. 1763 Worthy Sir,

Permit me (under a Sense of my Unworthiness) to approach you with my most grateful Acknowledgements of your many great and unsollicited Kindnesses to me in my late Troubles and Misfortunes. Although my unskilful Pen is incapable of justly expressing the feeling of my Heart from a deep sense of Gratitude; yet I Trust the Same Candour of yours which I have lately so fully experienced will kindly excuse my lgnorance and Imbecillity.

It is needless for me to Describe the Perplexities & Embarrassments I laboured under with a Brace of Bailiffs at my Heels and all merely for the Peccadillo of begetting my own Likeness; mistake me not Sir I have no Thoughts of exculpating myself; but if I harbour a small matter of Resentment on the Account of the disingenuous Conduct of my inhumane Persecutors, I hope still to be pardoned.

In this unhappy Situation it was that I had the Honour of experiencing so largely your unmerited Goodness, not only in the kind Instructions and Counsels you gave me but chiefly in an (I had almost said) omnipotent Epistle; The persuasive Eloquence of which, has effected that which I thought beyond above the Power of Cicero or Demosthenes. But lest I should give Umbrage for the Imputation of Hyperbollicism, and lest255I should be suspected of an Incapacity to square my Conduct with my Professions; I will cease making the latter and strictly observe the former, and will interrrupt you no farther than just to beg Leave to subscribe myself, your most Obedient and most obliged Humble Servant,


RC ; addressed: "For Mr. Robert Treat Paine Attorney at Taunton"; endorsed.


In remote seclusion.