A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2

From William Cushing
Cushing, William RTP
Scituate Sepr. 21. 1759 Dr. Sir,

I had a few Words with your Land Bank Antagonist Mr. Jacob1 who says he shall be up at Boston soon & will wait upon you & do the thing that's Right. If you have any thing new or entertaining to communicate which may promote Risibility or have a beneficial Influence upon the Animal Spirits, pray let's have it. Yr. Friend till Death.


RC ; addressed: "To Mr. Robert Treat Paine in Boston pr. Mr. Cs. Stockbridge"; endorsed.


Benjamin Jacob of Scituate, sued by RTP to compel him to redeem Land Bank bills (Suffolk Files, no. 80038; Davis, Currency and Banking, 2:221).