A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2


To John Burbidge

8 January 1759

From Abel Willard

14 January 1759
To Elizabeth Freeman
RTP Freeman, Elizabeth
Boston Janur. 8. 1759 Madam,

I recd. yours by Mr. Ferguson, & rejoice in any degree of welfare you enjoy. I am sorry I was obliged to disappoint you last Fall abt. coming down, but indisposition & a blustering fall hindered me. I hope you'll exert yr. self to take what care you can of my Interest till I can come, which I hope will be in the Spring, tho I can badly spare the time. So wishing you well through this cold Winter I suscribe,


LbC ; addressed: "To Mrs. Elisabeth Freeman at Halifax."