Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2
Just received yours by Mr. Wriford. Your blunder in not naming the Person I lived with has cost me a dollar, & at last Mr. Greenleaf being down from Abington took him home; My last & only Drawers are now upon Duty. You know tis not safe for a ship to be on a Stormy Coast with only one suit of sails for fear of a Gale of Wind. I found the inclosed at my office & convey it by this first opportunity. Pshaw, abt. my Drawers, if you have nothing to make 'em off send me word how126Much Anything it will take. Cotton & linen I choose, or how much fustian; if you have any peices fit to make wristbands for my shirts send it. The Dee'll take tayloring. I wish 'twas the fashion to go Naked. You must prepare against Spring to keep Shop. I think of nothing else. Yrs. in the bonds of Celibacy