Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2
I hear you have been to town during my Abscence,1 which I conclude was out of choice as you knew that I was to be absent that week. However like the man who had his Hog stole designedly, you managed yr. Behaviour very artfully making grievious Complaints for yr. Disappointment. I had a very pleasant Journey & have got some very remarkable occurrences to tell you, when I see you next which may be sometime in the fall. I am uncertain when I shall be absent next, but will give you timely warning so that you may improve the opportunity. Mean while I have one thing to advertize you off & that is that I have not above 7 shirts that are passable and therefore am necessitated to inquire if you have or can do any thing with those in yr. possession. Let me hear speedily. Pray remember my Leggs. The flys begin to speak & musquittos are coming. Tell all how do you Yrs. &c.
RTP's diary indicates that he left Boston for Windham, Connecticut, on June 23 and did not return until July 1. He attended the court at Windham on the 27th and 29th, presumably to further settle his father's affairs as regards to family land holdings in that town.