A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2

To Eunice Paine
RTP Paine, Eunice
Saturday April 15 1758 Dear Eunice,

I hear fine tidings of you, dancing frolicking & no body knows what1; And I am very sorry I have such pressing Ocasion to transfer to you some sorrowful Tydings, which will doubtless suppress yr. spirits & bring a Gloom upon yr. Mind. It is your well approved maxim that Troubles loose their force by communicating & that 'tis the part of Freindship to share in Afflications as well as Prosperity. However afflictions always affect us more or less according to our circumstances when we hear of them, & I can easily concieve how great must be the shock to you who are regailing & wantoning at Connubial Festivals to be informed that yr. poor Brother has not got a pair of Drawers fit to wear: Ha ha ha. Those you have last made me would not bear washing & so having worn them out like the Indians Shirt, I now apply for new. So much for this. I am yr. you know what


RC ; addressed: "To Miss Eunice Paine at Weymouth"; endorsed.


RTP is referring to Eunice's attendance at the wedding of Abraham Fuller and Sarah Dyar at Weymouth on Apr. 13 (Vital Records of Weymouth, Massachusetts, 2 vols. [Boston, 1910], 2:176).