Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2
After Respects to you & yr. Spouse, I must beg yr. further assistance with regard to the Shot which lays in yr. Store. I purpose to sell it Speedily, & I should be glad if you would get some body to cull it over & throw out all that are not tollerably good & then agree with Somebody as cheap as you can to bring it to Boston. I do suppose some of the Cask may do again, & those that will do will serve well to keep the Shot Sorted, which I should choose if it could be done, but if there be not Casks enough to hold all the good Shot, I am informed 'tis needless to be at the72expense for more because they comonly bring Shot loose in a Cart. If the Carter would take his pay at Mr. How who keeps a large shop I should be glad. You will please to make An express bargain with him abt. that & also as to the Price, & direct him to bring them to Mr. How the Tin Man; near the Mill bridge, & write me letter containing the Invoice & bargain for carting, which I will pay. I can't make the least guess whether there will be a load or more but if you can contrive so as to send along the Small parcell of Iron Ware I should be glad. I am loath to trouble you so much, but when the affair is finished I will Satisfye you for yr. assistance &c. I have wrote to Mr. Barker abt. the Guns & I suppose he will be with you soon. Yrs.,