A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2


From Levi Willard

28 March 1757

From Shepard Fisk

2 April 1757
To Eunice Paine
RTP Paine, Eunice
Boston April fool day 1757 Dear Eunice,

I hear you have been better worse & better again. May the best state remain. Why do you not let me know what things you shall want for a summers Campain. If I may not know the things at least let me know the value that so I may provide. You desired me not to sell those Jewells1 till hearing from you. They will fetch but 36s pr. oz. The other things I have not enquired. Let me hear from you. George sends compliments to you. I have thought of carrying you there as soon as the29 Weather &c. permits. I hear Nothing from the Hingamites. I hate to sue you know why. Tell em all how do you. Yr. Brother &c.


RC ; addressed: "To Miss Eunice Paine Weymouth"; endorsed.

1. See RTP to Gawen Brown, Aug. 14, 1758.