A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 2


From Abel Willard

26 February 1757

To Eunice Paine

5 March 1757
To Richard Cranch
RTP Cranch, Richard
Saturday March 3d 1757 Dear Sir,

(If you have an Existence) will you or will you not go to Taunton with me on Tuesday the 13th instant. Upon the oath you have taken say yes or no; Soft things I've done with, they only plague one; they are truly like Opiates to a fevrish Person. If they succeed & relax the fibres they bring on sweet & long desired repose but if they fail (& they are very percarious) they aggravate the disorder & sometimes end in perfect distraction. Therefore I run no such ventures. Let me hear soon for I shall expect you as much as is proper. In haste yr. &c.


RC ; addressed: "To Mr. Richard Cranch at blank "; endorsed.