Freindship Hall1
April 17552
Revd. Sr.,
Having lately come across some hierogliphik letters that pass'd between two of yr. Classmates, & knowing you have a knack at Unravelling misteries I am prompted to write in this Obscure & at first Sight unintelligable hand. Not that lye Any design to puzzle yr. Genious (sensible that it Surpasses my Arts) but the better to fit you for Sustaining the Charecter of a divine wch. requires you to be well vers'd in Mistical Senses & wch. I have not long since heard you have taken upon you. In that Charecter my friend you'll often have to say it stands thus in the Original, often to dive in the dark & cloudy gulph of Witchcraft & mistery & not Seldom meet with Some things worthy of Communication to a lay man, if you Should ever communicate Any thing of this Sort to me I shall receive it wth. proper Reverence & Respect & acknowledge it as a favr. uncommon for a Gentleman of yr. Cloath. In particular if you should explore the dark misterious meaning of the Song of Songs wch. is Solomon's & will Send it this way, you'll greatly Oblige me who will take all opportunitys of assuring you wth. how much Truth he is yr. Sincere friend,
P:S Find this out et eris mihi magnus Appollo.3
; endorsed in RTP's hand: "Hieroglyphick Letter from & to S.Q." Quincy's letter in code is followed on the same sheet by the draft of RTP's decipher, key, and reply.
Joseph Palmer's house in Germantown.
RTP notes in his diary for April 30: "recd. Letter from S.Q."
And you will be for me a great Apollo.