A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 1


From James Freeman

9 March 1752

From Henry Snoad

18 March 1752
To Francis Keeps
RTP Keeps, Francis
Bath-Town March 12th. 1752 Sr.,1

I am again come into the Country, & upon looking over my Books I find that there is due to me from you 26/8 Proc. it being so much I paid you for a Barrell of Beef; wch. upon examining I found to be Carrion & return'd it. Some Time after I return'd the Beef; I saw you & you told me you would pay me, but had not the Money about you. I saw you no more after that & so Left the Debt behind me. I should be glad if you would send me the Money Speedily for I stand in Need of it. I am Sr. yr. humble Servt.,


LbC ; addressed: "To Capt. Francis Keeps Living in North Carolina."


Not identified.