A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Robert Treat Paine Papers, Volume 1

To James Allen
RTP Allen, James
Philada. Novr. 1. 1751 Mr. James Allen,

Since I left Boston I have been innoculated for the Small Pox & have got well over it. I design to be at Boston in a very short Time where I hope to find yr. self and Family well.

I doubt not but you have made considerable preparations for a West India Cargo, for it will be Time to sail by the last of this Month or the beggining of Next. I should not have wrote upon this Subject, but as we have talked so much about it I have placed Confidence in the Matter & have Ordered my Business accordingly, so that it will be a vast disappointment to me. But as I doubt not you are in earnest about the Matter, so I shall rest easy about the Matter, & return home as soon as possible to assist in getting Things ready.

My Service to your Spouse and to Dr. Adams.1 I am Sr. yr. ready Freind & humble Servt.,


LbC ; addressed: "To Mr. James Allen Merchant. Taylor living on the Draw Bridge, Boston."


Dr. Joseph Adams of Boston (1728–1759) was the brother of James Allen's wife, Mary, and of Samuel Adams (1722–1803), the patriot (Thwing Index; Sibley's Harvard Graduates, 12:233–234).