20 August 1822
adams-john10 Neal MillikanRecreation

35820. V:30. Mr M’Pherson was this morning at my house, upon his application for a Consular appointment, and Edward Wyer, who has always some mysterious news to tell, which invariably turns out to be false: often however with a mixture of truth. I was at the President’s. His daughter Mrs Gouverneur had a son born yesterday— The President spoke to me of the Proclamation, for opening our Ports to British Vessels from their Colonies— He is in some concern at the delay to issue it. I mentioned to him that by Mr Calhoun’s advice, I had sent the draft to Mr R. King, to consult him with regard to the Construction given to the term West Indies, in the Act of Congress upon which it is founded, and upon the reciprocal restrictions to be imposed upon the British Vessels; and had not yet received Mr Kings’ answer— The President approved this but thought if Mr King’s answer should be long delayed it would be necessary to issue the proclamation, without waiting for it— Letter from my wife. Her brother has undergone a second operation, and is in a deep depression of Spirits, with which she naturally sympathizes. Evening at the Play— The School for Scandal, with Colman’s Comic Opera, of Love Laughs at Locksmiths— It was the best Entertainment I have found at the theatre this Season— The School for Scandal was on the whole well performed. Warren’s Sir Peter Teazle, and Mrs Anderson’s Lady Teazle were both very good acting. The other parts very passably. Jefferson’s Charles Surface good in itself was not the character exactly suited to his talents. His cast is drollery, and buffoonery. He wants youth, and the dress deportment and manners of a Gentleman— His Charles Surface is a failure; but the failure of an excellent performer, which is better than the success of an indifferent one— In the farce, he was more in his Element.