A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Friday 24th

24 March 1865

Sunday 26th

26 March 1865
25 March 1865
Saturday 25th



The morning hours were spent with my secretary Mr Moran in the labour of deciphering a Despatch and inclosure from Mr Seward. It proved to be an intercepted Despatch from one of the rebel emissaries in Canada betraying the character of the intrigue which led to the peace conference at Fortress Monroe. I had conjectured the truth, and pointed it out to Lord Russell in my interview with him, but here it is in black and white. It was hoped that the proposal of the Monroe doctrine as a basis of alliance rather than reunion might be accepted by the President to seek an extent as to be bring on the complication with France, which had been intimated by the party in Paris whom the rebels believe in the confidence of Napoleon, as certain to happen in that contingency. The affair like every thing else emanating from Richmond was a compound of fraud and falsehood. And it has met with the usual fate of their intrigues. We barely got through the work, before it was time to go to the Drawing room held by the Princess of Wales. A large attendance of Diplomats, but not very large of the general circle. The Princesses Helena and Louisa, Prince Alfred, the Duke of Cambridge and the Princess Mary all in a row, making seven bows or curtseys necessary. Notwithstanding which the affair was scarcely of an hour’s duration. On my return it rained and was warm. Wrote some short letters to the family at Sorrento. Then a walk around the Regent’s Park. Dined with Sir Harry and Lady Verney. Lady Hatherton, Lord and lady Monteage, Lord and Lady Cranworth, Mr Schleiden, Mr Nightingale the father of Lady Verney, Mr Calvert, the brother of Sir Harry, and one or two unknown. It was sociable and pleasant enough. Thence to Lady Palmerston’s reception, which was very full. Mr Hammond repeated what Mr Cardwell told me in the morning—towit, that Despatches had been received from Mr Burnley at Washington indicating a friendly sentiment of Mr Seward and the government. I attribute this to their reception of my Despatch crowning Lord Russell’s letter to the three rebel emissaries. Thus at present the tide seems to be running for once in the right way.

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., 25 March 1865, diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d084