A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Sunday 12th

12 March 1865

Tuesday 14th

14 March 1865
13 March 1865
Monday 13th



Letters from Sorrento and newspapers from America absorbed my morning very much. As usual my attention was fixed upon the extracts from the Southern press, form which I draw my inferences of the continuance of the struggle. There is a convulsive groan which would excite pity if not mixed too much with desperation of passion. The Slaveowners are manifestly coming most reluctantly to the last step of emancipation, in the singular delusion that the aid of those whom they have oppressed is to secure for them liberty which their own efforts have failed to get. Liberty indeed, to do what. They had liberty when they entered on their struggle. The only thing for which they rebelled, was to secure themselves from the risk of losing at some future time the liberty to whip their negroes, and this they have lost in the progress of fighting for it. The contemned negro is now in their opinion, the master of their fate. Was there ever such a retribution! Walk around the Square by Hyde Park. In the evening, dined with Baron Brunnow. He had invited me verbally to meet Sir Frederick Bruce, whilst we were waiting at the Levee. Great was my surprise to find a large company, Lord and Lady Russell and his daughter, Sir Charles and Lady Mary Wood, Baron Blome and his Wife, Count Vizthum, Lord Lyons, Sir Frederick Bruce, and several others whom I did not know. The entertainment as sumptuous as on the former occasion. Sir Charles Wood who had just come form the House of commons spoke highly of Mr Forster’s speech, and also alluded to the very complimentary tone of speakers towards e. These things run in channels here. I have got into a lucky one. Home at eleven.230

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., 13 March 1865, diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d072