Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864
We left Chester this morning, and in about three hours found ourselves placed at the Regent’s Hotel at Leamington, the last point of our tour. On our visit to this region three years ago we had chosen for our headquarters the adjoining place of Warwick, which103 was a mistake. For though pleasant to visit, this is the est for head-quarters. There is something very attractive in its streets and walks. Although in many respects it resembles Cheltenham, it has so much the aspect of listless inaction about it. i went out on a stroll with my son Brooks. We went into the Jephson Gardens, very prettily laid down for the amusement of women and men who have nothing to do. The former much predominated. Some were playing croquet— One was practising archery with some success. The aggregate number of persons was not great. The gardens bound on the little river Leam, which owing to the excessive drought is now but a runlet. I was again a little anxious about Mary, who appeared to have a little cold. And as we approach London I feel conscious of a pressure on my spirits at the resumption of my routine of labour.