A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Thursday 27th

27 August 1863

Saturday 29th

29 August 1863
28 August 1863
Friday 28th



The morning looked propitious and I seized the opportunity to walk a couple of miles along the border of the Lake. The view up towards the North is fine, in some respects resembling the Highlands on the Hudson, though not so striking. The cap was in the peak of Ben Lomond, and presently the Mists began to creep downwards thus indicating what we might expect. I hurried home, and very soon we got ready to448 proceed on our expedition across the mountains to Inverary. We were in post coach, and it was lucky that we were: For as we reached the heavy ascent of four miles after passing arrojar the floods came down very much in the way they did at Glen Quoich during my walk from Loch Hume. The whole pass is fine and wild, could we have had a chance to see it, but the mists and the rain shut off much of the view. Descending on the other side to the banks of Loch Fyre, the heavy rain had ceased; and there was only mist. The distance across is about four and twenty miles which we accomplished in less than five hours. Both the roads and the horses are good in these regions, arrived at the castle, we found the Duke and Duchess ready to receive us, in the bosom of their family. Nobody here but his sister Lady Emma Campbill and the numerous children. This was very agreeable to me who am wary of the formalities of the London season transplanted to usual abodes. We had a pleasant and quiet dinner. In the evening a little conversation with the Duke about the fitting out of the Iron clad vessels. He said that he had received a letter from Midsummer, dwelling very strongly on the danger of war from this source. I said that I felt the same apprehension. He wanted to know something of the French claim. I replied that I had exposed the nature of the pretence. The Duke is not very strong, and thus even when well disposed, he indulges in doubts which show how hesitatingly his mind accepts mundane conclusions. The ministry dislikes to assume a responsibility which may make it the object of popular attack at home. It thus hazards the evils of war upon a doubt. He seemed a little impressed with my earnestness. I told him I had instructions on the subject far more stringent than I had yet been disposed to execute. My own inclination had been to make as little of the difficulty as I could. But I could not fail to regard the question as grave and critical. He sat in the evening at his desk and wrote quite a letter, but whether on this subject, I could only infer.449

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., 28 August 1863, diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d240