Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863
The only persons in my company in the carriage were a gentleman and lady who made themselves very comfortable, and slept soundly until nearly five, when they reached their point of departure from the train at Oxenholm. All I learned from them was that they were returning home from a visit to the continent. I went on alone until after one o’clock when I reached Perth. No signs there of the family, though I had sent them word by telegraph as desired. Deeming it possible they might yet come in from Dunkeld, I concluded to dress myself and wait until the arrival of the next train at four o’clock. In the mean while I breakfasted and took a view of the place. It is prettily situated on the banks of the Tay, but has nothing else to recommend it. The streets are narrow and dirty and the houses mean. They have two open spaces called the North and the South Inch, but neither is kept in good446 order. Cows expatiate free and laundry women use it as drying ground. Having seen all I wished from the bridge the only point of attraction I returned to the Station to await the train. Instead of hte family appeared the servant, who had come to make enquiries at the post Office. My telegram had not reached them and they were in confusion. I at once started in the returning train and found them all safe and sound at the Athole arms at Dunkeld. Here is really a picturesque situation and a charming neighborhood. I went out to take a glance at hit but was soon driven home by a shower.