A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Sunday 24th

24 May 1863

Tuesday 26th

26 May 1863
25 May 1863
Monday 25th



Out trip here was mainly intended to make some change for Mrs Adams, who suffers much from the agitation of the London season, together with the stronger ones connected with home affairs. Evidently it is a quiet though a thriving place. I talk a tepid salt water bath before breakfast, and immediately afterwards, started on a walk with Brooks towards Becky Head. The wind was very high and we were threatened with slight showers.374 The seaview here is fine. To the southward lies the coast of France said to be visible in clear days at a distance of sixty miles. To the north west is the Isle of Wight, whilst the coast stretches back northwardly towards Brighton. The cliff is of chalk, much affected by the action of the weather. It is about six hundred feet hight. After examining the view in fear of threatening clouds, the wind suddenly shifted, and carried them all clear of us. We then descended the cliff by a very precipitous path, and walked along home on the beach. After luncheon we all went out in an open carriage, and took a drive of elven or twelve miles. We went to East Dian, thence through Jeningon and Willingdon home. The highlands are bleak and dreary, but the little old townships in the valleys are charmingly English. The wind was high and cold. Quiet evening. Read some of Mr Forster’s Essay on the attempt of Charles the first to seize the five members. It is very interesting to me.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., 25 May 1863, diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d145