A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Monday 2d.

2 February 1863

Wednesday 4th

4 February 1863
3 February 1863
Tuesday 3d



A tolerably fine day. The newspapers from America came and rather attracted me but I was so busy in making answers to letters and finishing my address that by the time of the assembly of the deputation I was barely ready for them. I received them in my dining room, which was very full of people. The body of them seemed to be Clergy but they all looked substantial and respectable. The Chairman made some remarks explanatory of the difficulties previously in the way of a movement of this kind, the most prominent of which was the scruple of the Quaker about the rightfulness of war. The minute was prepared in some degree to escape from this trouble. The effect of it seemed to me to be to imply some censure on the government, which I could scarcely suffer to pass unnoticed. So I drew up a cautious reply which I read, and which was well received. Then came some remarks from different speakers, some very good and others quite flat. There was no mistaking the tone, which was strong and hearty in sympathy with us. I think there can little doubt that the tendency of the popular current now sets in our favour. This may indirectly react on the other side of the water, not less in giving us courage, and damping the ardor of the rebels. They left me with hearty shakes of the hand that marked the existence of an active feeling at bottom. It was not284 the lukewarmness and indifference of the aristocracy, but the genuine English heartiness of good will. After the house was cleared I had not much time to spare for my trip to Ampthill. I took the train at five o’clock bythe North Western Station, passing through Watford and Bletchley to Ampthill in Bedfordshire. Reached that point at six o’clock, and found a carriage waiting to take me to Lord Wensleydale’s house. In season for dinner where were assembled Mr and Mrs Stuart Wortley, Sir Henry and Lady Rowlinson, besides Mr Charles Howard, and Miss Sidwell. I think. A Mr and Mrs Bentinck who are neighbors dined here. It would be very hard if one could be insensible to the plain and earnest hospitality of this respected old couple. After dinner we assembled in the Drawing room, and I was put down to Whist in company with Mr Havard, Sir Henry Rawlinson and his Lordship. Mr Havard and I won all the time, an event so unexampled for me that I sent it down as noteworthy. We separated at about midnight.

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., 3 February 1863, diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d034