A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Saturday 17th

17 January 1863

Monday 19th

19 January 1863
18 January 1863
Sunday 18th



Fine day. Attended Divine service at the Portland chapel. Mr Martineau preached, but my attention was not fixed by him. He selected two very fine hymns, one of which was the same one of Charles Wesley, which was read and sung so well in the services of Mr Spurgen that I attended many months ago. I read it again in Sir Roundell Palmer’s Book of praise after I got home. I found Mr Milner Gibson waiting for me, and had another hour of talk with him about America. It did not seem to me that he could profit much by his acquisitions but he seemed to be satisfied. Mr Parkes came in for a little while. His conversation is of the croaking and provoking kind of which I am weary. I then went out to take a walk.275 Called on Mr Morey who is steadily improving. His complexion has singularly recovered its tone. On my return I found Mr and Mrs Sturgis at the house just leaving, and Mr McCullagh who talked with me an hour. It was then dinner time. Mr Dudley came in and dined, and Mr Morse joined him after dinner. Much conversation respecting the projects of the Steamers and another subject connected with invoices under the provisions of the new revenue law. Lord Russell had replied to me, that the investigation had been made at Liverpool, into the Georgiana, and that there was no appearance of warlike fittings. I expected as much. The gentleman did not leave until after eleven o’clock. Thus do my Sundays disappear, under the growing disturbance of constant visits.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., 18 January 1863, diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d018