Index: Consolidated Adams, John Quincy (1815-1854, son of TBA, called “JQA Jr.”) 13 mentioned DCA05 96 99 343 374 399 401 DCA07 282 DCA08 16 DCA04 71 188 356 357 DCA02 402 7 JQA provides for schooling DCA03 130-131 159 241 316 425 DCA04 74 169-170 4 and CFA DCA07 230 284 317 DCA08 17 4 at Old House DCA07 284 285 286 327 3 naval appointment DCA05 390 391 395 2 identified DCA07 224 DCA02 259 2 payments to, under JA's will DCA07 255 256 1 and T. B. Adams Jr.'s estate DCA08 285