Papers of John Adams, volume 20

72 From John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 15 July 1789 Adams, John Rush, Benjamin
To Benjamin Rush
Dear Sir New York July 15 1789

I have read Dr Rush, de moribus Germanorum, with pleasure.1

As I am a great lover of paradoxes, when defended with ingenuity, I have read also the Phillippic against Latin and Greek, with some amusement: but my reverence for those Languages and the inestimable treasures hoarded up in them is not abated. Jean Jaques Roussseau’s phillippic against the arts and sciences2 amused informed and charmed me—but I have loved and admired arts and sciences the better from that time to this— What an ingrate was he to employ arts and sciences to abuse them? and are you much better, to use the knowledge and skill you derived from Latin and Greek to slander those divine Languages

Yours Ut Supra


LbC in CA’s hand (Adams Papers); internal address: “Dr B Rush—”; APM Reel 115.


Tacitus, De moribus germanorum, et de vita agricolæ, London, 1788.


Jean Jacques Rousseau, Discours . . . des sciences & des arts, Geneva, 1750, a copy of which is in JA’s library at MB ( Catalogue of JA’s Library ).

From John Adams to William Thompson, [15 July 1789] Adams, John Thompson, William
To William Thompson
Sir [ 15 July 1789 ]1

I have received the letter you did me the honor to write me on the fifth of this month, and am the more earnest to give it an early answer, as from various circumstances, I have been prevented from answering that delivered by Colo; Tudor

It is so rare of late, to find a candidate for office, acknowlege the ease and independance of his circumstances, that your frankness in this particular: was the more welcome and agreable. Distress in a man’s affairs, in the ordinary course of things, is so far from being a recomendation to public trust, that it ought to be an objection tho’ not a decisive obstruction to him. But in the present times, when there are so many ruined men and families, whose misfortunes have been clearly occasioned not by their own fault, but by the injustice and impolicy, of their country, and whose merits and public services have been considerable; the ordinary rule seems to be inverted. Nominations an appointments to office are however wholly out of my sphere. The Vice President has a constant and laborious service assigned him by the constitution, at the head of the Legislature, 73 which consumes all his time, strength, and spirits; and leaves him no opportunity or capacity to collect the information, or to weigh the pretensions of candidates necessary to form these arrangements, or even to give advice concerning them, except perhaps in a few instances, more particularly and personally known to him. These duties are by the constitution wisely and virtuously assigned to the first executive Magistrate, and to him therefore must your application as well as all others be made.

I am &

John Adams

LbC in CA’s hand (Adams Papers); internal address: “William Thompson Esqr / Boston.”; APM Reel 115.


Thompson twice appealed to JA for patronage, on 9 March and 5 July. The dating of this letter is based on Thompson’s reply of 30 July, in which he described the scale of his debt and wrote that “if nothing can be obtained at present, I shall acquiesce—perhaps some Door may open before long, and I flatter myself I shall not have your Negative, unless for Substantial Reasons” (all Adams Papers). Thompson, who served as commissioner of Connecticut’s public accounts from 1783 to 1787, also applied to George Washington, on 28 July 1789, but did not earn a federal post (Morris, Papers , 7:441; Washington, Papers, Presidential Series , 3:341, 343).