Papers of John Adams, volume 20

To John Adams from Benjamin Lincoln, 14 July 1789 Lincoln, Benjamin Adams, John
From Benjamin Lincoln
Dear sir Hingham July 14th. 1789

I had the pleasure a few days since of receiving your kind favor of the 19th. ulto

When I first saw the new constitution I was very apprehensive that the President would not be able to maintain his ground and preserve such a stand, on the stage of our political theater, as to keep up that equilibrum essential to our enjoying all those blessings which are derived from a constitution in which the powers of the first magistrate are sufficient to ballance the other branches. If our constitution shall, on trial, be found defective in this respect, it should be mended as soon as may be. In the mean time we ought to be exceedingly attentive that we avoid every thing which may have a tendency to enervate and reduce those degrees of influence which the President may derive from the present government. I hope and trust that there will not exist in either house a wish to invade the right of the other or a desire to press upon the prerogative of the first Magistrate, their caution, in this point, will have its influence, and their conduct will give a tone to the actions of the citizens at large, who ought to know in what their real interest lies, and that the moment they are so far duped as to put an entire relyance on the popular branch, they may date their ruin; and they will know, when it is too late, that they have been jockeyed out of their reason and rights, by men who wanted either better information or better hearts.—

The conduct of our great man is no less painful to us than alarming to you. He is not, from any thing which appears, an enemy to monarchical powers— He has, I think, in frequent instances exercised those powers, and is daily pursuing a line of conduct which will enable him to carry them to a much greater length. The very message to which you refer, is in my opinion, a proof in point, however paradoxical it may seem—1 By his frequent addresses to the people, through their representatives, and by the trumpeters of his 69 fame they are taught to believe that he is, almost, the only guardian of their rights now remaining in the commonwealth. With these impressions and under the idea, equally erroneous, that it is the fixed design of others to enslave them the first hour they shall have the power of doing it. Mr. H—— may sport with the rights of the people and trample upon our constitution with impunity. When ever his conduct is arraigned, it is enough for him and his friend, to give out that the aristocratical junto, as those are stiled who are for a firm energetic government, want his removal that they may be in the saddle themselves the more easily to execute their nefarious purposes with success. Many of the people, not the class with which you have been much connected, seem to consider Mr. H—— as the only man in the commonwealth who can preserve the state in peace and order in freedom and happiness strange delusion! Such however are the facts and he may now go almost any lengths in acts of monarchy not limited by any other principle than his policy, that may suggest to him, (or his friends may do it) the propriety of his keeping within some bounds.—

As soon as an influential character is discovered in any town, he must however be on the right side, he is immediately nominated for a justice of the peace, this line of conduct has filled most of our towns with such officers whose influence at home, and weight in the house of representatives, many of them find means to get there, secure to their creator his darling object— I would not be misunderstood our justices are not all so there are many of them who have not bowed the knee and are men of pure mind, and independent principles— The next Gentleman who writes a book & is pointing out the danger of any order of men in the community will not I hope forget to mention the danger of so liberal, if not wanton, exercise of the power given to our governour of appointing justices

It is unfortunate for us and it may be so for the Union that such leading characters as Mr. H—— and Mr. A—— do not with more cordiality love and embrace the new constitution, they are considered by many as opposers of it and by all as men wishing for such alterations as will essentially change it.—2 They cannot, I trust, wish its annihilation.— So far as I can judge from all I have seen and heard they want a constitution which, in my opinion, would be little more than a puppet and the play thing of the different States. Any thing which looks national or like a consolidation of the different State is thought to be one of the greatest evils which can befall us and to be 70 avoided as such— We had better annihilate the new constitution at once than amuse and deceive the people with false ideas and groundless expectations which we shall certainly do if we suffer it to be garbled according to the wishes of all the sticklers for amendments. This will not do a national government we must have and that soon, I think we shall find it, notwithstanding the exertion of all its opposers, under our present constitution. If we can but once get our system of revenue into operation under officers, who shall not know any other rule by which to regulate their conduct than the laws of their country and shall banish from their minds every idea of temporizing, and that they are not legislators but meer executors of the law and can and will sacrifice to their duty every other consideration which may come in competition there with we shall have made great progress. We have to combat in this business long and deep rooted prejudices, and to do away the evils which have taken place in consequence of repeated popular elections— It is said that not more than one third of the duties are now collected, things must not remain so. No State can exist without more punctuality frauds in the collection of the revenue must be pregnant with the most fatal evils as they will render abortive the best devised schemes of the most able financiers. and will soon destroy that good faith without which no people can flourish and be happy.—

As soon as our revenue Laws are in full operation, we may consider the works as nearly done, for if the government is not opposed, in this tender point, and the officers of it are permitted to do their duty without interruption, as they will be here I presume, in the first instance, the novelty of the scene will be over and precedents after, will come in aid of law Besides the moment our long exhausted treasury shall be replenished, people, friends and foes, will look up to the government with respect and will flock to our national standard as to that of a successful potintate.—

I am very happy that the duty on molasses is reduced, I wish it could be farther so, for the draw back on Rum would have given us trouble, and especially if our duties could not be collected with more punctuality than such duties have heretofore been, I hope they will, I hope so because I know it ought to be

Our general Court is in recess If it has not done things which it ought not to have done and left undone those which it ought to have done I have judged wrong


I beg you would tender my best regards to Mrs. Adams to Colo. Smith & Mrs. Smith and / believe me to be towards / you Dr. sir all which / esteem, confidence, and / affection can make / me—

B Lincoln

NB you will, burn the above when you have read it

RC (Adams Papers); internal address: “His Excellency / The Vice President”; endorsed by CA: “Honble B Lincoln / July 14”; notation by CFA: “1789.”


For Gov. John Hancock’s 8 June address to the Mass. General Court, see JA’s letter of 19 June to Lincoln, and note 3, above.


Reconciling past political differences, Hancock and Samuel Adams united in strong public support of James Madison’s proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution, for which see James Sullivan’s letter of 2 July, and note 2, above. Adams favored revising constitutional language to “expressly” reserve certain powers to the states. Along with Antifederalist sympathizers, however, he yielded to the doctrine of “implied” powers advocated by Alexander Hamilton and others (John K. Alexander, Samuel Adams: America’s Revolutionary Politician, Lanham, Md., 2002, p. 209, 211).

From John Adams to John Jenks, 15 July 1789 Adams, John Jenks, John
To John Jenks
Sir New York July 15 1789

I received your letter of the first of this month and thank you for you kind congratulations.1 The application in favor of Joseph Hiller to be naval officer for the port of Salem must be made by himself or friends to the President. The indispensible duties of my office render it impossible for me to give much attention to nominations and appointments in the executive departments: but if this were otherways, the opinion and judgment of the Senators and representatives from the neighbourhood, whose personal knowledge and other means of information are so much superior will and ought to have much more influence. I shall however be attentive to your recommendation, and those of others in favor of the same person, and if a fair opportunity presents, mention them, leaving the decision to that wisdom, to which the constitution has confided it

Your &

J Adams

LbC in CA’s hand (Adams Papers); internal address: “Mr John Jenks / Salem”; APM Reel 115.


The Salem, Mass., merchant Jenks wrote to JA on 1 July (Adams Papers), welcoming him home from Europe and recommending Joseph Hiller, for whom see Stephen Higginson’s letter of 4 July, and note 2, above.