Papers of John Adams, volume 20

353 From John Adams to Oliver Whipple, 18 May 1790 Adams, John Whipple, Oliver
To Oliver Whipple
Dear sir New York May 18. 1790

With much pleasure I received your favour of the 26. of April: it brought fresh to my Memory the many hours We Spent together, in the Chamber where I first saw the Light of the sun.

I believe there are few Persons, who run through a public Career, especially one that interests the Passions of the People; without finding Persons to recollect Prophecies that great Things would one day be his Lot.— The political Path, in which I sat out [in] Life must lead either to destruction or to great success.— As I know there were not wanting Persons to predict that I should rise high, and among these were Men of Merit: so on the other, I believe there were many more who prosphecied that I should ruin myself Family and Country, and reach nothing but Infamy. I am not sorry as you may well imagine that the Prognostications of the latter sort are not fulfilled.

The Representation of your independent and respectable Circumstances gives me much Pleasure.— The sense of Congress seems to be so much against many missions abroad, that I apprehend you could find no Chance from that branch, in which so many have already been employed with Reputation, who are now out of office.— I really think you will find no office much better than a Lawyers office.— Mine I know while I held it, was the best office I ever enjoyed.

As the Executive department by the Constitution is wholly in the President, I make no Promisses to any one, and interfere as little, as possible in appointments.— I should however have much pleasure in concurring with the Friends You mention, in recommending you, as far as the public service may justify.1

With great Esteem and regard I have honour to / be, sir your most obedient servant

John Adams

RC (private owner, 2007); internal address: “Oliver Whipple Esqr / Portsmouth. New Hampshire”; endorsed: “Vice Presidents Letter.” LbC (Adams Papers); APM Reel 115. Text lost due to removal of the seal has been supplied from the LbC.


Whipple renewed his request for patronage in a letter of 22 Nov., telling JA that “a Word from you in this Matter, will produce the desired Effect” (Adams Papers).