Papers of John Adams, volume 17



[ 27 July 1785 ]

Whereas, By the first article of the Preliminary Treaty of Peace between the Crown of Great Britain and the Crown of France 272signed at Versailles on the twentieth of January 1783 it was stipulated in these Words vizt.Aussitot que les Preliminaires seront Signés et ratifiés, l’Amitie sincere sera retablie entre sa Majesté tres Chretienne et Sa Majeste Britannique, leurs Royaums, Estats, et Subjets, par mer, et par terre, dans toutes les Parties du Monde; il Sera envoyé des ordres aux Armies et Escadres, ainsi qu aux sujets des deux Puissances de cesser toute Hostilité et de vivre dans la plus parfaite union en oubliant le passe, dont leurs Souverains leur donnent l’Ordre et l’Exemple, et pour l’Execution de cet Article il sera donné de part et d’autre des Passeports de Mer, aux Vaisseaux qui seront expediés pour en porter la nouvelle dans les Possessions des dites Puissances4

And by the twenty second Article of the same treaty it was stipulated in these Words, vizt.Pour prevenir tous les Sujets de Plaintes et de contestation, qui pourroient naitre a l’Occasion des prises qui pourroient être faites en Mer depuis la signature de ces Articles Preliminaires, on est convenu reciproquement, que les Vaisseaux et Effets qui pourroient être pris dans la Manche, et dans les mers du Nord apres l’Espace de douze Jours, à compter depuis la Ratification des Presents Articles Preliminaires, seront de part et d’autre restitues. Que le terme sera d’un mois depuisl la Manche et les Mers du Nord jusqu’aux Isles Canaries inclusivement, soit dans l’Ocean5 soit dans la mediterraneé; de deux mois depuis les dites Isles Canaries jusqu’a la ligne equinoxiale au l’Equator, et en fin de cinque mois dans tous les Autres Endroits du Monde, sans aucune exception ni autre distinction plus particuliere de tems et de lieux.

And Whereas, on the said twentieth Day of January 1783 it was agreed, and by instruments signed by the Minister Plenipotentiary of His Britannic Majesty in behalf of His Majesty on one part, and by the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the United states of America in behalf of the said United States on the other, it was mutually declared that the said United States of North America, their Citizens6 and their Possessions, and His Britannic Majesty his Subjects and Possessions, should be comprised in the suspension of Arms abovementioned, and that they should consequently enjoy the benefit of the Cessation of Hostilities, at the same periods and in the same Manner as the Crowns aforesaid and their Subjects and Possessions respectively.

And Whereas a doubt has arisen and a Question has been made concerning the sense and intention of the High Contracting Parties, by the Words “d’un mois depuis la Manche et les mers du Nord 273jusqu’aux Isles Canaries, inclusivement[]; and by the Words, “de deux mois depuis les dites Isles Canaries jusqu’a la ligne equinoxiale.”

Now in order to remove all such doubts and questions and to the End that the same rule of Justice may take place in all the Courts of Justice in both Nations, it is hereby agreed and declared by:    in the Name and behalf of His Majesty the King of Great Britain    and by    Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, to the Court of Great Britain on the other in the Name and behalf of the said United States, that the Line of Latitude of the southermost Canary Island was intended by the said contracting Parties and that the Armistice aforesaid ought to be every where undestood and construed, in the same manner as if the Words had been “depuis la Manche et les Mers du Nord, jusqu’a la latitude des Isles Canaries inclusivement,” and “depuis la latitude des dites Isles Canaries, qusqu’a la ligne Equinoxiale.” And that all judgements and Decrees of any Court of Justice of either of the Parties to this Declaration, rendered upon any different Construction of the Armistice aforesaid ought to be reversed

Done at Westminster this    Day of       1785—