Papers of John Adams, volume 16

John Jay to John Adams, 31 March 1785 Jay, John Adams, John
From John Jay
Dear Sir, Office for foreign Affairs 31st. March 1785.

I have the Honor of transmitting to you herewith enclosed, a certified Copy of an Act of Congress of the 21st. Instant, instructing you 584 to communicate to Mr. St. Saphorin, the high Sense, the United States in Congress assembled, entertain of the liberal Decision made by his Danish Majesty, on the Question proposed to his Minister by You, respecting the Ordination of american Candidates for holy orders in the episcopal Church, commonly called the Church of England.

Congress has been pleased to order me to transmit copies of your Letter, and the other papers on this Subject, to the Executives of the different States; and I am persuaded they will receive with pleasure this mark of your Attention, and of his Danish Majesty’s friendly Disposition.1

I have the Honor to be, with great Respect and / Esteem, / Dear Sir, / Your most obedient, and / very humble servant,

John Jay

RC (Adams Papers); internal address: “The Honorable John Adams Esquire / Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States / at the Court of London.”


For the resolution of 21 March, see JCC , 28:187. For JA’s intercession with Armand François Louis de Mestral de Saint Saphorin, Danish minister to the Netherlands, on behalf of Mason Locke Weems in his quest for ordination, see JA’s 22 April 1784 letter to the president of Congress, and note 2, above.