Papers of John Adams, volume 16

John Adams to Wilhem & Jan Willink, Nicolaas & Jacob van Staphorst, and De la Lande & Fynje, 22 December 1784 Adams, John Willink, Van Staphorst, and De la Lande & Fynje
To Wilhem & Jan Willink, Nicolaas & Jacob van Staphorst, and De la Lande & Fynje
Gentlemen Auteuil near Paris December 22. 1784

On the Eleventh of this Month, I wrote you a Letter, in which I requested you to inform me, whether you had any Money of the 479 United States in your Hands and to what Amount. To that Letter I have not yet received any Answer.1

I now take the Liberty to repeat the Request contained in it, and to add another viz that you would inform me, what Number of Obligations you have remaining unsold both of my first and last Loan, how many of these obligations are in the Possession of each one of the three Houses.

I pray you also Gentlemen to inform me, what Expence would Attend putting all the Money you have on Hand, into the Bank of Amsterdam, there to remain untill disposed of by Congress or their Order, and whether any Commission would accrue to you, according to the Custom of Merchants and the Usages of your City, upon putting it in or drawing it out. in Short every possible Expence attending the Operations of putting it in and drawing it out. and whether the Agio would Occasion a Loss or Profit or neither to the United States.

I hope Gentlemen for an Answer to all these Enquiries as prompt as possible, and remain / with much Esteem &c

LbC (Adams Papers); internal address: “Messrs Wilhem and Jan Willink / Nicholas and Jacob Van Staphorst / and De la Lande and Fynj̈e.”; APM Reel 107.


The consortium replied to JA’s 11 Dec. letter (LbC, APM Reel 107) on 20 Dec., above, and to JA’s second request in this letter on 30 Dec., below.

Thomas Barclay to John Adams, 25 December 1784 Barclay, Thomas Adams, John
From Thomas Barclay
Dear Sir Rochfort 25 Decr. 1784—

As I passed through Nantes in my way to Bordeaux I received a letter from Mrs. Barclay wherin she mentions your Intention of going to England Next Month, and that you wish’d to see me before you set out. I have three public accounts of Consequence to settle at Bordeaux, and shall the Moment they are finish’d proceed home. you will oblige me by letting me Know by a line, addressed to the Care of Mess: French & Nephew of that place, when you propose leaving France, and Evry exertion on My part shall be used to see you, if I find it practicable— I understand that Docr. Franklin and Mr. Jefferson are likewise going to England, be so kind to say if it is so— My Best wishes attend Mrs. Adams and your family, and I remain Dear Sir / Your affectionate / and Obed servant,

Thos Barclay

I think we Cou’d do all our Business together in two days—


RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “His Excellency / John Adams Esqr. / at Auteuil / near / Paris—”; internal address: “Mr. Adams—”; endorsed: “Mr Barclay / Decr 25. ansd / Jan. 8. 1785.”