Papers of John Adams, volume 14

From Henry Grand, 15 February 1783 Grand, Henry Adams, John
From Henry Grand
Monsieur a Paris ce 15 fevr. 1783

La situation des Finances ici est telle que je suis obligé de recourir à tous les moyens propres à les améliorer & comme la Voye de vôtre Emprunt en Hollande peut y contribuer M. Franklin ma autorisé en consequence à ecrire aux Messieurs d’hollande qui en sont chargés, la lettre que j’ai lhoñeur de vous remettre ici, vous priant de vouloir bien joindre vôtre Aprobation à celle de M. franklin. afin que je puisse encore la faire partir par le Courrier de ce matin.1

J’ai lhonneur d’etre avec tout le Respect possible / Monsieur / Vôtre très humble & très obeissant serviteur,

Sir Paris, 15 February 1783

The financial situation here is such that I am forced to resort to all necessary means to improve it. As the loan you are arranging in Holland may prove helpful, Mr. Franklin has authorized me to write to the Dutch bankers responsible. I have the honor to enclose my letter to them and ask you to append your approval to that of Mr. Franklin so that I can yet dispatch it with this morning's post.1

I have the honor to be with all possible respect, sir, your very humble and very obedient servant


RC (Adams Papers); internal address: “Son Excellence Monsieur J Adams Paris.”


Grand's letter to the consortium has not been found, but he also wrote to Robert Morris on 15 Feb. and laid out the demands for funds that were producing the crisis alluded to in this letter to JA. Grand noted that the quarterly subsidy from France had already been received and expended, leaving him with virtually nothing to pay, among other things, the bills of exchange and loan office certificates just received from Morris; interest on the Dutch loan guaranteed by France; bills accepted, but not paid, by John 270Jay at Madrid; and the ministers’ salaries (Morris, Papers , 7:435–436). Under these circumstances it is understandable that Grand would turn to JA's 1782 loan and the consortium for relief. For JA's view of Grand's demand, see his 23 Feb. letter to the consortium; but see also the consortium's response of 3 March, both below.

From Wilhem & Jan Willink, Nicolaas & Jacob van Staphorst, and De la Lande & Fynje, 17 February 1783 Willink, Wilhem & Jan (business) Staphorst, Nicolaas & Jacob van (business) La Lande & Fynje, de (business) Adams, John
From Wilhem & Jan Willink, Nicolaas & Jacob van Staphorst, and De la Lande & Fynje
Sir Amsterdam the 17. feby. 1783.

None of yoúr Excellency's favours to answer Since our Last of 2 Janny.1 whereby we acquainted yoúr Excellency the Compleating of the £[₶]400/M Desired by Mr: Grand at Paris. the drafts we paid of Boƒ2200.— accepted by yoúr Excellency. and the distribútion of Obligations during the month of December. amounting to a Sum of ƒ24000.—.

Having Since wrote to his Excellency Robert Morris Esqr. we advised him that in the Course of the month of Jany. we distributed again Several Obligations amounting to ƒ18000.—.

We also receiv'd a Letter of his Excellency of 27th. noṽ wherein he acquaints ús of Several drafts Done on ús for the amount of Fifty Thousand Seven hundred and Six Current florins.2 which Shall all be duely paid. being 8. thereof presented and accepted before we received his Excellency's advice.

Messs. John de Neufville & Son have deliverd us a note of 7 Coupons paid by them for yoúr Excellen. account as.

N 95 } Each of ƒ25.—.— due 1st Septr. 1782. amt. . . . . to ƒ175.—
for Several postage of Letters “ 4.10—
together ƒ179.10—

bút as we have no order of yoúr Excellency to pay this. we Shall be very glad to receive it as Likewise yoúr further approbation on any other demands these Gentlemen might do on ús3

We have the Honoúr to remain with a perfect Consideration / Sir / Yoúr Excellys. most obedt. / most humb Servants.

271 Wilhem & Jan Willink. Nics. & Jacob van Staphorst. de la Lande & fynje

RC (Adams Papers); internal address: “To his Excelly. John Adams Esqr. / at Paris.”


Not found, but see the consortium's letter of 9 Jan, above, which concerns many of the matters attributed to the 2 Jan. letter.


Morris, Papers , 7:124.


These coupons were the legacy of JA's unsuccessful 1781 effort to raise a loan through Jean de Neufville & Fils.