Papers of John Adams, volume 13

VI. Amendment to Article 4, 29 August 1782 Netherlands, States General of JA


VI. Amendment to Article 4, 29 August 1782 Netherlands, States General of Adams, John
VI. Amendment to Article 4
29 August 1782

De byvoeging in het Slot van Artikel 4 zoude in diervoegen gesteld konnen worden.

En zullen de beide contracteeren de Mogenheeden iederonder hun gebied de nodige voorziening doen, ten einde de respective Onderdaanen en Ingezeetenen van behoorlyke bewysen van Sterfge-346vallen, waar by dezelve zyn geinteresseerd, voortaan zullen konnen werden gedient.

VI. Amendment to Article 4: A Translation, 29 August 1782 Netherlands, States General of JA


VI. Amendment to Article 4: A Translation, 29 August 1782 Netherlands, States General of Adams, John
VI. Amendment to Article 4: A Translation
29 August 1782

The addition at the end of Article 4 should be done in the following manner.

And the two contracting parties shall provide, each one in his jurisdiction, that their respective subjects and inhabitants may henceforward obtain the requisite certificates in cases of deaths in which they shall be interested.


MS (Adams Papers); endorsed: “Amendment of the 4. Article proposed to me, by the grand Pensionary Bleiswick 29. Aug. 1782 & agreed to the Same day.” Beside the Dutch text is a French translation by C. W. F. Dumas. Filmed at 22–29 Aug., Adams Papers, Microfilms, Reel No. 357.


This word is in JA’s hand, and the amendment was incorporated verbatim into Art. 4 of the final version of the treaty (No. VIII, below).