Papers of John Adams, volume 12

430 From Jacobus Nolet, 19 April 1782 Nolet, Jacobus JA


From Jacobus Nolet, 19 April 1782 Nolet, Jacobus Adams, John
From Jacobus Nolet
Monsieúr Schiedam Ce 19 Avril 1782

Le corps des Negotiants de cette Ville, Soúhaitant Joindre leúrs Acclamations a ceúx de toúte la Nation, au Sujet de L’independance des Etats unis de L’Ameriqúe Septentrionale, públiqúement reconnúe par nos Augúste Soúverains, m’a Chargé de m’informer aúpres de Votre Excellence dú Joúr, de l’heúre, et dú lieú, qú’il lúi Conviendra d’accorder aúdience a Six depútés dú dit Corps de nos Negotiants, Chargés d’Exprimer en leúr nom, les Vifs Sentiments de Joïe et de Satisfaction Sincere, qu’ils ressentent de cet heùreux Evenement, Comme aússy de L’avantage de poùvoir Voús presenter leurs Respects en qúalité de Ministre des dits Etats!

Voús Comblerez les Voeúx et les Esperances de nos Negotiants, Si Voús daignez accorder a leúrs Deputés L’honneúr de S’entretenir quelqúes Instants avec Votre Excellence, Súr les Interêts dú Commerce de Notre Ville!

Oserois Je me promettre Monsieur! qùe Voús daignerez condescendre a nos desirs!

Une Reponce favorable de Votre Part noús honorera Infinement Dans cette flatteuse attente, et en Implorant Súr Votre Personne et qúalites respectables la Protection dú Toút Puissant, J’ai l’honneúr d’Etre avec les Sentiments de la plús haúte Estime, et dú Respect le plús profond Monsieúr! Votre tres Húmb: & Tres Obeissant Serviteúr

Jacobs: Nolet
Jacobus Nolet to John Adams: A Translation, 19 April 1782 Nolet, Jacobus JA


Jacobus Nolet to John Adams: A Translation, 19 April 1782 Nolet, Jacobus Adams, John
Jacobus Nolet to John Adams: A Translation
Sir Schiedam, 19 April 1782

The merchants of this city, wishing to add their acclamation to those of the rest of the country regarding the public recognition of the independence of the United States of North America by our August sovereigns, have asked me to inquire of your Excellency as to the day, time and place that would be convenient for you to receive six deputies of this said group of merchants. These merchants, who wish to express in their name, the lively sentiments of joy and sincere satisfaction that they feel at this happy event, as well as having the advantage of being able to present their respects to your in your capacity as minister of the said States

You will fulfill our merchants’ wishes and hopes if you would agree to give their deputies the honor of a short meeting with your Excellency regarding the commercial interests of our city!


Would I dare promise myself, sir, that you would condescend to our desires!

A favorable reply from you will honor us immensely, and in the hope of hearing from you and by imploring the protection of the all powerful for you and your respectable position, I have the honor to be with the highest esteem and the deepest respect, sir, your very humble and very obedient servant

Jacobs: Nolet

RC (Adams Papers).