Papers of John Adams, volume 12

From Adrianus Dubbeldemuts, 6 April 1782 Dubbeldemuts, Adrianus JA


From Adrianus Dubbeldemuts, 6 April 1782 Dubbeldemuts, Adrianus Adams, John
From Adrianus Dubbeldemuts
Rotterdam 6th. April 1782 Sir

The letter which your Excellencÿ has done me the honour of writing me the 22d. past reached me in Course. Since the Copy of the petition of the Merchants of this place to their Magistrates, which Covered my last, has been So acceptable to your Excellencÿ, I take the libertÿ to add here the Rotterdam Gazette of this daÿ,1 Containing Chiefly an adress to our Said Magistrates which I had the honour not only to offer them yesterday by writing, but to pronounce before them, with all that emphasis, which fear for being lulled a Sleep bÿ a treacherous Ennemÿ, and on the other hand a prospect of being restored in ancient Rights, Could even inspire to a lover of libertÿ: I took the freedom to declare our present Committees that, in order to Shew posterity what we had done to employ well the present favourable Circumstances, we would place the Said adress in the gazette of this daÿ: maÿ this have the desired effect, and our adhérency to the intrest of America produce those great ends, the liberty of that So long oppressed Country, the blessings of trade without limitation, and a general Peace, the best of earthly happiness, provided it be not the fruit of low and Creeping Submission. I Need not to Say how much it will add to my real Satisfaction when your Excellencÿ will favour me with his aprobation of the Step I took; but still more when you’ll be pleased to give me two minutes of that precious time which you So nobly employ in the Case of your Country and your bretheren; any time Your Excellencÿ Shall be 393pleased to fix for a Short interview, will be acceptable to Your Excellencys Most Obedient humble Servant

A Dubbeldemuts

RC (Adams Papers).


Enclosure not found.

From Anthony Mylius, 6 April 1782 Mylius, Anthony JA


From Anthony Mylius, 6 April 1782 Mylius, Anthony Adams, John
From Anthony Mylius
April 6th 1782

Whereas the happy Moment is arrived that the united States of America are or in Short shall be acknowledged as Free and Independent by the States of these United Provinces, and that in Consequence thereof a Treaty of Commerce, Trade and Navigation is to be made between the aforesaid States, by which the Commerce, Trade and Navigation shall increase and florish more and more, And as different Sorts of Acts, deeds and Instruments will be required to be made for or between Merchants, Masters of vessels and other Persons, to serve and to be made Use off in the aforesaid states of America; And whereas all Affidavits, Protests or Instruments which must be Sworn, first must be drawn and Sworn in Dutch, according to the Customs of these Lands, and afterwards translated and made Authentick by two or three Publick Persons to great Inconveniency and Charges of the Concerned Persons; And as the Underwritten is acquainted with the Principal Languages of the United states of America, And hath yet had the Honour to employed as Notary and Translator by Your Excellency, and is still employed by several Houses of this City, trading and dealing with the Inhabitants of the aforesaid States of America; Therefore the Underwritten do take the Liberty by these Presents, to make his Application to Your Excellency, in Case it may be tought proper by the Free and Independent states of America to appoint and nominate any Person in this City to administer the Oath of all such Affidavits or Protests and to make Authentick all such deeds or Instruments as in Commerce, Trade or Navigation may be required to serve and to be made Use off in the States of America aforesaid, to recommand his Person to your Excellency, and that all Upon reasonable and ordinarÿ Terms or Fees to be paid by the Concerned Persons, in Support of the Underwritten and his Familÿ as he sustained Several dammages and losses in the last Year by the Unjust war of Great Brittain as otherwise.

Anthony Mylius

RC (Adams Papers).