Papers of John Adams, volume 6
In my last letter I had the pleasure of Acquainting you, that it was in my power to take some Goods on board in account of the United States, agreable to Capt. Wm: Jones information, who ac-242quainted me that you had some Goods on hand, which you desired to forward for America.
My Ship is already graved, and now taking in ballast if am to take any Goods, would be extreamly glad to know, that I may stow the Ship accordingly; My Masts are all made to serve excepting Main and foretop Masts. The Cost of new Masts being so great, I have made the lower Masts serve by repairing them, and I believe they will hold till we Arrive in America. The Main Mast will be Ready to get in in three Days. The Ship will Certainly be ready without unforeseen Accident shou'd prevent, by the twentieth of July and if agreable to your Honours, should be happy of my Orders by the fifteenth,1 for I am flattered with the hopes of being Ready by that time, with four Months Provision on board, for which I have given indent unto Mr. Schweighauser Agent.
It gives me pleasure to Acquaint your Honours, that both Officers and Men omit no exertions in their power to get in Actual readiness for Sea, having unfortunately been blockaded so long already, and this alone, without any other motive would induce a desire not to be detained after my Ship is ready for Sailing. If your Honours have any Remarkable News not of a private Nature which has lately Arrived from America should think myself favoured with the Account. Again presuming to Repeat my most earnest Sollicitations for express Orders, to be transmitted as soon as possibly may be I have the honour to Remain, with all imaginable Respect, Gentlemen Your very Obedt. very Hble. Servt.
For Whipple's instructions of 23 June, see the Commissioners to John Paul Jones, 16 June (calendared above).
The Frigate Oiseau who convoyed a Virginia Schooner out of the Bay which I dispatched from hence, is returned yesterday with the prize Hope, John Poignestre Master belonging to Jersey, a privateer of six Guns, who had taken the Brig Sally Captain Rapeal belonging to the state of Massachusettes the 3d. of May, with a cargo of Rice and Indigo from Charles Town on public account, bound to Bilboa. On board of said privateer, the following 243sailors belonging to Marble Head were prisoners. Thomas Collie, James Howard and John Towler, for whose liberty I apply'd to the Commissary, who granted my request, and in order to save the expence that wou'd naturally attend their delay here, for an opportunity to return to their Country, I prevailed on the Captain of the Oiseau to take them to Brest and deliver them to Cap: Jones of the Ranger, who I make no doubt will receive them. I have the honor to be respectfully Honorable Gentlemen Your assur'd hl St.