Papers of John Adams, volume 4

24 July., 24 July 1776 JA Continental Congress, Board of War


24 July., 24 July 1776 Adams, John Continental Congress, Board of War
24 July.

24 July. The congress resolved to take into continental service the South Carolina rangers and prescribed their table of organization and rates of pay and further resolved to take on the same conditions rangers to be raised in Georgia ( JCC , 5:606–607; Note: Additional resolutions immediately following and permitting Col. Henry Knox to raise another battalion of artillery; the exchange of Phillip Skene for James Lovell; and the 257entry into the continental service of a troop of light horse under Capt. John Leary Jr. may have proceeded from the same report).

29 July., 29 July 1776 JA Continental Congress, Board of War


29 July., 29 July 1776 Adams, John Continental Congress, Board of War
29 July.

29 July. The congress resolved that General Washington could use the newly formed Connecticut regiment at his discretion; that M. Jean Artur Vermonet be appointed brevet captain and another French volunteer, M. Marie Fidel Dorrè, be used as seemed proper; that M. Christopher Pellisier be appointed an engineer with the rank of lieutenant colonel and sent to New York; that General Washington issue commissions to such officers of Colonel Elmore's regiment as bring men to join him and, in the same regiment, that John Brown be commissioned lieutenant colonel and Robert Cochran be appointed major in place of the deceased Maj. Israel Curtis ( JCC , 5:614–615; Note: An additional resolution immediately following and calling for the appointment of a lieutenant colonel for the Second Pennsylvania Battalion may have proceeded from the same report).

30 July., 30 July 1776 JA Continental Congress, Board of War


30 July., 30 July 1776 Adams, John Continental Congress, Board of War
30 July.

30 July. The congress resolved that the recruitment bounties paid to officers be extended to those enlisting men in the new army for three years; that General Mercer's plan to build boats be approved and materials supplied for that purpose; that General Schuyler be permitted to publish portions of the treaty with the Six Nations; and that an Indian chief, Cayashuta of Niagara, be invited to visit the congress ( JCC , 5:620–621).

31 July., 31 July 1776 JA Continental Congress, Board of War


31 July., 31 July 1776 Adams, John Continental Congress, Board of War
31 July.

31 July. The congress resolved that five tons of powder be sent to General Washington at New York and that those militia forces thought necessary by the Massachusetts General Court be supplied and paid by the Continent ( JCC , 5:623).

1 August., 1 August 1776 JA Continental Congress, Board of War


1 August., 1 August 1776 Adams, John Continental Congress, Board of War
1 August.

1 August. The congress ordered transcribed and sent a draft letter to George Washington stating that the power given to General Gates in Canada to appoint officers resulted from no lack of confidence in him and would establish no precedent ( JCC , 5:625; see John Hancock to George Washington, 2 Aug., Force, Archives , 5th ser., 1:725).

1 August., 1 August 1776 JA Continental Congress, Board of War


1 August., 1 August 1776 Adams, John Continental Congress, Board of War
1 August.

1 August. The congress resolved that Col. John Brown be permitted the rank and pay of lieutenant colonel from 20 November 1775 and that Col. James Easton be allowed the rank and pay of colonel from 1 July 1775 until his discharge pending the decision of a court of inquiry or court martial which, if favorable, would recommend him for further employment ( JCC , 5:626; Note: An additional resolution immediately following and appropriating money to feed the militia passing through Philadelphia to the Flying Camp may have proceeded from the same report).

2 August., 2 August 1776 JA Continental Congress, Board of War


2 August., 2 August 1776 Adams, John Continental Congress, Board of War
2 August.

2 August. The congress resolved that Jonathan Trumbull, deputy paymaster general of the Northern Department, be sent $200,000 and additionally that he send a return of all monies intrusted to him since his appointment; that General Washington be permitted to employ as many 258Stockbridge Indians as necessary; that one hundred old arms held by the congress be sent to the Pennsylvania Committee of Safety for repair and issuing to soldiers going to the Flying Camp; that the paymaster general and deputies, commissary general and deputies, and quartermaster general and deputies be required to submit weekly returns of monies supplied them; that the commissary general and deputies and quartermaster general and deputies make monthly returns of supplies in their care; and that the commanders of each department make monthly returns of drafts made on them by the paymaster ( JCC , 5:627–628).