Papers of John Adams, volume 2

To Robert Treat Paine, 9 April 1774 JA Paine, Robert Treat


To Robert Treat Paine, 9 April 1774 Adams, John Paine, Robert Treat
To Robert Treat Paine
Well Brother Paine! Boston April 9. 1774

How does the Impeachment set upon the stomachs at Middle borough?1 Cant you steal a Moment in an Evening or Morning to write me a Line, by Kent?

I asked Putnam, at Charlestown this Week, whether the Chief Justice would sit at Worcester.2 He says he would not advise him to attempt it, and that he has given that Answer, to all who have asked him about it, since he came down, of all Parties.

The grand Jury at Charlestown, had it sometime under Consideration, whether they should do any Thing as they were, Summoned by a Writ, tested by Peter Oliver Esqr. They determined to proceed but to tack to their Indictments, a Remonstrance expressing their full approbation of the Impeachment of the grand Inquest of the Province, and their full Reliance that, the said P. O. would not set upon the Tryal of them. This was subscribed by all but four. The grand Jury had a few Things said to them by the Court, with much Moderation but they answered with great Firmness, that they looked upon their Honours then present, in the same Light they always did—but they did not think him a constitutional Judge, and if he had been present they should not have taken the oaths.3

Had a Letter, last Week from Cohass, from Collonell Judge, Clerk, Captain Fenton. He says that the spirit runs like wild Fire, to the 82very Extremities of N. Hampshire and that their Government is as determined, as ours.4

News, is the scarcest Commodity at Markett. Expectations are high. I want to hear how Things, are in your Quarter. Pray write me.

I am, your Freind and sert, John Adams

RC (MHi: Paine Papers); addressed: “To Robert Treat Paine Esqr. Counsellor at Law at Plymouth.”


The home of Chief Justice Peter Oliver.


See Editorial Note, 24 Feb. 1774, above.


On 5 April the Superior Court of Judicature opened sessions for Middlesex County at Charlestown, Judge Trowbridge presiding. On 7 April the Charles town grand jury delivered its indictments, accompanying the bills with a Remonstrance and Petition printed in the Boston Gazette, 11 April.


No letter from Col. John Fenton (d. 1785) has been found. An Irishman and former captain in the British Army, Fenton in 1772 moved from Massachusetts to New Hampshire, where he had received a grant of 3,000 acres. He settled in the town of Plymouth in Grafton co. adjacent to Coos co., from which he had written JA in 1774. After his removal to New Hampshire, Fenton quickly established a friendship with JA's Harvard classmate Gov. John Wentworth and by 1774 could boast the array of titles to which JA alludes: colonel in the N.H. militia, clerk of Grafton co., and justice in Grafton and Hillsborough cos. (A sketch of Fenton appears in Lawrence S. Mayo, John Wentworth, Governor of New Hampshire, 1767–1775, Cambridge, 1921, p. 153–154. See also MHS, Colls. , 6th ser., 9 [1897]:66–68 and 7th ser., 6 [1907]: 45.)

To James Warren, 9 April 1774 JA Warren, James


To James Warren, 9 April 1774 Adams, John Warren, James
To James Warren
Dr Sir Boston April 9. 1774

It is a great Mortification to me, to be obliged to deny my self the Pleasure of a Visit to my Friends at Plymouth next Week. But so Fate has ordained it.

I am a little Apprehensive too for the State upon this Occasion, for it has heretofore received no small Advantage from our Sage Deliberations, at your Fire side.

I hope Mrs Warren is in fine Health, and Spirits—and that I have not incurred her Displeasure, by making So free with the Skirmish of the sea Deities1—one of the most incontestable Evidences of real Genius, which has yet been exhibited—for to take the Clumsy, indigested Conception of another and work it into so elegant, and classicall a Composition, requires Genius equall to that which wrought another most beautifull Poem, out of the little Incident of a Gentlemans clipping a Lock of a Ladys Hair, with a Pair of Scissors.


May a double Portion of her Genius, as well as Virtues, descend to her Posterity, which united, to the Patriotism &c &c &c of &c &c &c, will make .2 But I am almost in the Strain of Hazelrod.3

The Tories were never, Since I was born, in such a state of Humiliation, as at this Moment. Wherever I go, in the Several Counties, I perceive it, more and more.

They are now in absolute Despair of obtaining a Tryumph without Shedding an Abundance of Blood: and they are afraid of the Consequences of this—not that their Humanity starts at it at all.

The Complaisance, the Air of Modesty and Kindness to the Whiggs, the shew of Moderation, the Pains to be thought Friends to Liberty, and all that is amazing. I Admire the Jesuits! The science is so exquisite and there are such immense Advantages in it that it is, if it were not for the Deviltry of it, most ardently to be wish'd. To see them, bowing, Smiling, cringing, and seeming cordially Friendly to persons, whom they openly averred their Malice against 2 Years ago and whom they would gladly butcher now, is provoking, yet diverting.

News We have none. Still—Silent as Midnight. The first Vessells may bring us tidings, which will erect the Crests of the Tories again and depress the Spirits of the Whiggs. For my own Part, I am of the same opinion that I have been for many Years, that there is not Spirit enough on Either side to bring the Question to a compleat Decision —and that We shall oscilate like a Pendulum and fluctuate like the Ocean, for many Years to come, and never obtain a compleat Redress of American Grievances, nor submit to an absolute Establishment of Parliamentary Authority. But be trimming between both as we have been for ten Years past, for more Years to come than you and I shall live. Our Children, may see Revolutions, and be concerned and active in effecting them of which we can form no Conception.

Mrs. Adams is in the Country, unwell. Otherwise she would have written to Mrs. Warren. Believe me and her to be yours and Mrs Warrens real Friends and humb. servants,

John and Abigail Adams

RC (MHi:Warren-Adams Coll.); addressed: “To The Honourable James Warren Esqr Plymouth”; endorsed: “Boston Ap 9 1774 John Adams.”


Mrs. Warren's poem on the Boston Tea Party, written at the request of JA in his letter to her husband, 22 Dec. 1773, above, was enclosed in a letter to AA, 27 Feb., and is reprinted in Adams Family Correspondence , 1:100–103. The poem appeared in the Boston Gazette, 21 March; as this letter makes clear, JA was responsible for its publication.


Left blank in MS.


Hazelrod was the name used by Mrs. Warren for Chief Justice Peter Oliver in her play The Group, which was sent to JA in Jan. 1775 (James Warren 84to JA, 15 Jan. 1775, below). That the name was a familiar one to the Adamses and Warrens at this time is an interesting point, suggesting that this name and perhaps some others may have been commonly used code words.