Diary of John Quincy Adams, volume 1

5th. JQA


5th. Adams, John Quincy

Eliza Spent the day with us. I accompanied her home, in the Evening, and spent half an hour at Mr. White's. Miss Betsey Duncan, return'd this Evening from Boston, and brought me a Letter from my Cousin Cranch.1 He attended Mrs. Tufts's funeral last Tuesday, and very justly admires the Doctor's Behav-353iour upon the occasion: it was that of a Christian, and of a Philosopher. He had always lived in an uninterrupted union with his Lady; and though fully Sensible of his loss, he did not show it, by tears, or by any outward manifestation. He was not dressed in black, considering a mourning suit but as the trappings and the suits of woe.2


Not found.


Hamlet, Act I, scene ii, line 86.

6th. JQA


6th. Adams, John Quincy

Attended the meeting, forenoon, and afternoon. Went home with my Cousin. Was employ'd all the Evening, in writing to my Sister.1

The Weather somewhat chilly.


Letter not found; undoubtedly the same to which he refers on 8 Nov. (below).

7th. JQA


7th. Adams, John Quincy

Mr. Thaxter went again this morning to Newbury, to attend the trial of a number of Pirates, lately taken.1 I wish'd much to go with him, on that account, and for several other Reasons; but, I was afraid of interrupting my Studies, which at this Time, cannot suffer any loss of time; and they must be attended to, before every thing else. N. B. Guardian N: 49.2


Several men who had taken possession of the schooner Amity off the Essex co. coast in mid-August were captured and indicted a month later. In mid-November two were convicted of robbery and felony; three were declared not guilty (Massachusetts Spy, 8, 22 Sept., 17, 24 Nov.).


An essay on the “natural” and “fantastical” “pleasures which constitute human happiness.” JQA may have used the two-volume edition of The Guardian, London, 1745, 1:213–217, listed among his books in 1784 and now at MQA ([Christian Lotter], Inventory of JQA's books, 6 Nov. 1784, Adams Papers).

8th. JQA


8th. Adams, John Quincy

My Aunt spent the afternoon at Mr. White's. I was not outside of the gate once. Closed my Letter to my Sister N:8.1 But I shall not be able to send it before next Week.


Letter not found. Extant letters to his sister suggest that his reference here is misnumbered and might have been letter thirteen. Letter eight was dated 29 Aug.–7 Sept. (Adams Papers), and JQA had sent at least four other letters to AA2 by this time. For another inexplicable instance of misnumbering, see entry for 28 Nov. (below).