Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 8

Friday 9th. CFA


Friday 9th. CFA
Friday 9th.

Clear. Ride to Quincy for the day. Return home to tea and evening to the Theatre.

The mud was quite deep today but I went to Quincy and was occupied in various little matters which required my attention. The town was thrown into a great state of excitement today by the arrival of accounts from New York of the triumph of the Whig party.1 This was not anticipated by either party and puts a very different face upon the aspect of political events. Mr. Van Buren now has to face the probabil-137ity of a majority in the next Congress against him and the prestige of the democratic strength is much more broken. Well, it only keeps up the bubbling. One thing is pretty clear to me that nothing holds up the present Administration one bit but the little hold on the popular feeling of the other side.

Returned home by the old road through Milton and Roxbury as being more dry. Found Mr. Brooks at my house to tea. Went to the Theatre with my Wife and heard an Opera by Rooke called the Love Test, somewhat German in its character but with rather feeble music. The parts however very respectably sustained. After piece Truth or a Glass too much, better than usual.2


The whig sweep was featured by the defeat of C. C. Cambreleng, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and by the election of William H. Seward as governor (Boston Courier, 10 Nov., p. 2, col. 5 – p. 3, col. 2).


Amilie or The Love Test and Truth!, given at the Tremont Theatre, had as performers Edward Seguin, John Wilson, and Jane Shirreff, current favorites in the New York theater (Boston Atlas 9 Nov., p. 3, col. 3; below, entry for 30 April 1839).

Saturday. 10th. CFA


Saturday. 10th. CFA
Saturday. 10th.

Cold and clear. At the Office. Athenaeum and home. Evening quiet.

I have not much to record of my morning experiences. Called to see T. K. Davis at his Office having seen him at the Theatre last evening. He was not entirely cordial. There is some difficulty in his mind but what I do not know. His political feelings have probably led him off where I cannot follow him and he does not quite like it that I do not. Yet there was only such a nice shade of difference apparent in his manner as could be perceivable by a very practised eye. I hope this will be remedied.

My Afternoon was spent in re-instituting my collection of coins and in receiving my father who removed from Quincy to my house today. Evening, Mr. Brooks came in for an hour.

Sunday 11th. CFA


Sunday 11th. CFA
Sunday 11th.

Moderate and clear. Divine service both parts of the day and an evening visit to the Governor.

Attended divine service and heard Dr. Harris preach from Isaiah 33. 9. “The earth mourneth and languisheth; Lebanon is ashamed and hewn down; Sharon is like a wilderness and Bashan and Carmel shake off their fruits.” A sensible but not very interesting discourse. Afternoon Mr. Austin from Matthew 6. 9. “Thy kingdom come.” Quite flat 138and on the whole I was sorry that my father had not a better opportunity for edification.

Read a discourse being the first in the second volume of the English Preacher, by Tillotson from John 1. 47. “Jesus saw Nathaniel coming unto him and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile.” Very sensible. In the evening I accompanied my father to Governor Everett’s to pay a visit. Nobody there but the family, Mr. Brooks and a relative of the Governor’s. Conversation of no interest.