Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 7
The weather was fine. After some time passed in writing, I attended divine service and heard Mr. Frothingham preach morning and after-57noon. His discourses were good but my travelling has unsettled me so that I am entirely unable to give any account of them. It is so long since I have been out of regular habits that the variation in this instance has been productive of far more than the usual consequences. It will take me weeks to get into any thing like train again. Especially as there seems every probability of our having again to change places, my parents being anxious we should go to Quincy.
In the afternoon I read a discourse of Dr. Barrow being the second in the series upon the Apostles creed which I commenced before I went away. This was upon the virtue and reasonableness of faith and from the text “to them that have obtained like precious faith with us.” 2 Peter 1. 1. Faith he says is a virtue of the first magnitude, and he attempts to show why it is so through an account of it’s nature, its rise and causes and it’s consequences. Part of his argument struck me as very forcible and as justifying the whole of his assumption. At the same time I saw much to approve in the definition which he gives of faith itself.
In the evening Mr. and Mrs. I. Sargent came in for the first time.1 There appears a disposition on their part to cultivate our society which I would not reject, and yet to me he is not interesting.
Mrs. Ignatius O. Sargent was the former Henrietta Gray, a cousin of ABA; see vol. 6:128.
Morning clear. I went to the Office and devoted some time to accounts. Mr. Sparrel has at last furnished me with a plan for my proposed House at Quincy which I have time now to reflect. Some decision must be come to respecting this and pretty soon too. Yet it is well to reflect very fully upon all parts of the scheme. I do not see but my occupation for the present is not likely to fail. Much of my time is now devoted to bringing up the Diary. What a labour this is and after all, for what? My father inculcated this upon me as a duty, but then he looked forward to my being what I see no prospect of, somewhat like himself.
In the afternoon I rode to Quincy and found the family as usual. Conversation upon many general topics and some particular ones. My father questioned me as to the talk of my building and generally upon finance affairs to all which I answered as clearly as I could. My first object will be to get the ground laid out to which my father assented, and we agreed that Mr. Humphrey the Surveyor should be called upon 58as soon as possible. Much other talk, which consumed the day so that it was quite late before I reached home.