Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 6
The morning was bright but it clouded with a few drops of rain in the course of the day. I made every preparation that I could think 5of, and my Mother seemed in very good spirits about her departure. It being necessary for me to make some final settlements in Boston, I was with regret compelled to leave Quincy before they actually started. My mind was in a state of great anxiety about her, more particularly as the Coachman Wilson informed me in the morning of his fear that the horse who has been so sick would die on the road. I do not know what to do but risk him at least to Providence. He cannot be left without great inconvenience and gentle exercise may help him.
I was very busy in Boston in my final arrangements, drawing money, settling Accounts and so forth. Went to Medford to dine. Afternoon devoted to the children and to my Wife. Amused my time by reading some Articles in two or three of the latest English periodicals. In the evening Mrs. Gray and Miss Henrietta passed a couple of hours rather languidly for me.
The day was one of the most beautiful I ever experienced in this climate at this season of the year. Not a cloud in the sky and the air pure and invigorating. I could not help feeling grateful for this weather so eminently favorable to my Mother. Attended divine service all day and heard a young gentleman whose name I did not know preach two very ordinary sermons. One from Matthew 7. 21.
The morning was cloudy and did not promise so well as we might have had reason to expect. But it only rained a little and then cleared away quite fine. I was roused early and got every thing in preparation to start.
After taking breakfast at the Tremont House we were nine of us put into a Stage and rolled to the Depot at the foot of Boylston Street from which the Railroad to Providence commences. This was a little of a surprise upon me but I was in for it and could not do otherwise so I got into the Car and rolled away with the rest. We went at a furious rate, being only about thirty seven minutes going the length of the completed road about fourteen and half miles. This is a degree of speed I do not like nor do I consider it to be at all necessary. For men to whom time is of enormous value it may be of use to risk the chance of death by an accident. But it is not agreeable for a person who has no such excuse to reflect that his love to go fast puts at 6hazard his life. It is trifling. I was glad when it was over and we reached the Stages.
The remainder of the Journey was without incident. I arrived at the Boat just at twelve o’clock and found much to my relief my Mother, Mrs. Smith and the rest with the exception of the poor horse safely ensconced in the Boat. They had gone as far as Wrentham on Saturday, and Providence on Sunday. The horse giving no signs of failing until the last miles of the Second day. He however got in well and expired shortly after. His disease was deeply rooted and not affected by the exertion of the Journey. This may have shortened his agony which is substantially a relief to him but it could have had no other effect. My Mother appeared to have borne her part of the Journey uncommonly well.
My foolish Supper and glass of Porter at the Tremont House had upset my head so that I felt quite unwell all day. The motion of the Boat was considerable and either from that or from the usual results of a sick head ach I was for a few moments quite sick. This relieved me and I passed the evening in conversation with Mr. Fowle. He and his Wife with Mr. and Mrs. Shimmin were passengers on their way to Alexandria and Washington. The boat was quite full of Passengers and a night on the water is always a very disagreeable affair. I slept but little. My berth was next to the boiler of one of the Engines and I heard so distinctly the working of the Machinery that I remained long awake.