Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 6

Friday. 26th. CFA


Friday. 26th. CFA
Friday. 26th.

Morning very cold again, and cloudy. I went to the Office, received another letter from Mr. Shepherd covering a bill for a further sum, and I went down to see Mr. Titus Welles and get it accepted.1 Nothing very material. Called upon Mr. Brooks and conversed with him about investments, short walk to the Athenaeum. Home to read Livy. Afternoon, wrote and copied letters to Mr. Shepherd and Mr. Johnson.2 Niebuhr and the Magic Ring. Thus vanished the day.

Evening, seeing a call for the Committee to meet I went. Not being at the Advocate Office went to Mr. Hallett’s House. Quite a large assemblage. Mr. Thomas, Chairman and Messrs. Hallett, Wakefield, French, Williams, Whitmarsh, Taylor and myself. Mr. Rantoul and Cushing of the Democrats, and Messrs. Phelps and Caldwell of the 340Faneuil Hall Committee. Discussion upon the propriety of nominating a list of Electors here now or waiting for a Convention in September. Dr. Phelps very stubborn and earnest for a postponement. Mr. Rantoul, Mr. Williams and myself on the other side. Mr. Cushing inclining to Dr. Phelps and the remainder undecided. No conclusion but the appointment of a subcommittee to confer—Messrs. Whitmarsh, Thomas and Caldwell. Much discussion also upon the nomination of R. M. Johnson.

I am fearful that no human means will enable the two parties to act together. The counteracting influences lie in the hands of those members who possess the disposition to use them. I was much struck with the clearness and force of Mr. Rantoul’s remarks, and as much disgusted with the pigheadedness of Dr. Phelps. However, it matters very little to me what the end of it all is. Things can hardly turn so as to be very unfavourable to me who depend upon nothing. I am very fortunately for myself not committed in my feelings any way. My support of Mr. Van Buren is a very measured one and will not be otherwise, I hope. Returned home and spent an hour reading Slade’s Pamphlet in answer to me.3


Shepherd announced the enclosure of an order of Judah Touro on Titus Welles for $20,000 to be placed to the credit of T. B. Johnson (J. H. Shepherd to CFA, 10 Feb., Adams Papers).


LbC’s of the letters to J. H. Shepherd and T. B. Johnson are in the Adams Papers. In his letter to Johnson, CFA reported the bills placed in the bank for acceptance and collection for Johnson’s account, the funds ultimately to be invested for him by CFA.


Letters of Mr. Slade to Mr. Hallett, February, 1836, [Washington?, 1836]. The pamphlet is in the form of seven letters, the genesis of which Slade explains at the outset. Following the meeting of Vermont Antimasons in October at which resolutions presented by a committee of which Slade had been chairman were adopted, he was called upon by Hallett for an exposition of the reasons for the position taken. It was in compliance that Slade wrote the letters he published in pamphlet form (entry for 18 Dec., above). Early in January the Advocate had published his first letter, abridged, and promised a refutation of the argument. This was followed immediately by a series of letters signed “A Massachusetts Antimason”; these Slade takes to be Hallett’s promised answer (entry for 4 Jan., above), and to them Slade now replies. He denies the charges that his opposition to Van Buren’s candidacy is motivated by personal animosity and that he supports the candidacy of Judge White of Tennessee. He professes no particular candidate but seems to be pro-Harrison. In effect, however, his thought is directed against Jackson, against Van Buren, and against any close collaboration between the Antimasons and the Democrats.

Saturday. 27th. CFA


Saturday. 27th. CFA
Saturday. 27th.

I went to the Office, cold continuing as usual. Occupied in Accounts and Diary. Mr. J. H. Winkley called upon me to make settlement on 341their last year’s lease at the Quarry in Quincy. They have had a very unfavorable time, and have lost a good deal. But they propose to make one more trial. Mr. Walsh came in. Conversation. I then went out to take a walk but did not get very far. My system of exercise has wholly failed this year.

We are waiting for accounts of the result of the Vermont Convention. The Atlas has a letter showing that the Whig forces preponderate. I think this likely. Slade has acquired a good deal of power there. His Pamphlet is a singular production and shows strikingly the character of his mind. I hardly know how best to answer his flighty style of reasoning.

Home, Livy, then to dinner at Mr. Brooks’. Mr. Frothingham and P. R. Dalton. Dinner tolerably pleasant, then home. Evening, reading very peaceably to my Wife from Madame Junots satirical description of Portugal. After which, arranging my ideas upon Mr. Slade’s notable work. My labour is to methodize.